Thursday, September 5, 2013

Snapdragon 800 vs Exynos 5 Octa vs Tegra 4 ?

We can deny about the extreme amount of new devices released almost each week around us. The hardware cycle last days is short as never before.

The best device out there with Snapdragon 800 ?

Hey fellows ,

My first blog/post/idea/opinion is the following one (look up the subject :)

So what do you think , maybe Xiaomi Mi-3 just kicked the ass of all.

I'm trying to find a weak point .... and I'm still trying , maybe because for $327 you can't buy even a rock with Snapy 800 generation inside and Full HD display. And if we include the design and all the rest. Lads and Gents please stand up and clap for our new player .....

So what do you think ?

There are no free IT blog/page names in the wild ....Really

Huge part of time lost ..... and no free domain name left around .... really ..... what's the ......